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Want to learn more?
Contact us for more information.
Upon receiving sample kit, place cold packs in freezer until frozen.
Collect 1 lb (450g) sample
If sample will be unstable between collection and testing, add provided potassium sorbate solution to 1 lb sample and mix well.
a. Mix potassium sorbate solution with sample outside of provided sampling container for best effect.
b. Do not mix in provided sample container by shaking, this may pressurize the container and cause leaking/bursting!
Sample must be collected within 24 hours of planned shipment
Transfer an appropriate sample volume to provided sample container and seal tightly.
Refrigerate sample near 37 – 40 °F (DO NOT FREEZE) while awaiting packaging for shipment.
Fill out provided sample submission paperwork.
Place sample container in provided sample bag.
Package cold packs, sample submission paperwork, and bagged sample container in cooler.
Attach shipping label to the outside of the cooler and tape the cooler lid shut for safe transit.
Christian Grieser: 515-724-4938 | cgrieser@feedenergy.com
Billy Williams: 515-263-0408 ext. 342 | wwilliams@feedenergy.com