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Jack (John) Norgaard, Quality Control Manager, announced July 23, 2021 the Des Moines Feed Energy plant passed the Safe Feed/Safe Food (SFSF) in-person audit on 6/8/2021. The plant earned a score of 98 and an audit rating of “Excellent”!
Jack thanked Bryan Hanson, Senior Plant Manager; Steve Anderson, Process Engineer; and Mohan Dasari, Senior Director of Product and Process Development for their involvement the day of the audit. He also thanked James Kennedy, Operations Supervisor and the entire Des Moines operations team for their prep work.
The mission of the SFSF Certification Program is to establish and promote food safety guidelines designed to ensure continuous improvement and the delivery of a safe and wholesome product into the marketplace for the growth and care of animals. The certification shows that Feed Energy’s food safety program meets the rigorous standards put forth by the American Feed Industry Association (AFIA). Our high score and “Excellent” rating reinforces our mission—“We help feed the world by providing safe, energy-based nutrition solutions.”
Congratulations to Jack and the entire Des Moines Feed Energy team for this tremendous honor!