No, it’s not because we seem to have had the first real winter in several years. As you all know, cold temperatures and fat are not exactly friends, and a real winter presents lots of additional challenges in our business operations. We’re excited about the pipeline of functional products that our team of development scientists at Feed Energy are assembling. We’ve always had a core portfolio of science-based fat products designed with the right combination of energy and fatty acids for the species being fed. That portfolio is growing with additional functionality.
We are in the final phases of live field trials for our turkey energy product that is formulated to provide significant pathogen reduction in flocks from poult to finish. We are also conducting field trials for our starter pig energy product that is formulated to provide pathogen reduction and enhanced gut health. These products can also be available through a supply chain that meets any customer’s NAE/ABF requirement.
Our R&D team is in constant motion. They have a new energy blend for the layer industry in the works and are constantly evaluating opportunities for high quality raw materials that are available from the ebb and flow of fats and oils demand into the biofuels markets. Above all, we keep our primary mission in focus – that’s providing our customers with the best fat products available at an incomparable value.
If there’s a problem you have or a product that we can design for you, let us know. We are here for you! Phil Reeves, CEO Innovation is in our DNA